I just got into town after traveling across the country with my two toddlers! So, needless to say, I am whooped. But happy to be home. You'll probably notice that I made a few format changes to the blog, so please let me know if something is broken or just doesn't look right.
Also, while I was gone it looks like the folks at 25mm Warrior gave me a plug! Thanks a ton guys! Oh, and again thanks to Papa J.J. for letting me know.
In other gaming news, I heard that 40K Radio is closing their doors. While I am sad to see them leaving the air, I am happy to say that their Freebootaz Forums are going strong. I didn't always agree with what they had to say, and I thought they could do some things better- I never missed a show. So long guys, and thanks for all the fish (and horrible Tau puns).
I'm Back!
May 31, 2010
The Dr. is Out
Sorry for any lack of updates the last week, but I've been out of town and surprisingly shirt on Internet access points. No fear, I only have a mild sunburn sitting on the beach and I did get one game in with my old gaming group.pictures will be posted as well as a full Bat Rep next week. Enjoy!
May 29, 2010
Lemon Russ Demolisher
May 16, 2010
Electron Boy: Coolest Hero EVER

May 13, 2010
40K June Releases
May 11, 2010
Early May
That last week didn't see too much in the way of painting, but I did get some gaming in. Over the past few years, I have been playing an online/email global conquest game call Lords of the Earth. Sadly, most of the campiagns have gone silent. Fortunately, some members of the group have started a Pathfinders RPG play by email/message board game. We are all eager to get started- the past week has been full of creating characters, planning with other players, etc. In short, it was a great gaming week even though little actually gaming took place. My character? Muckles O'Barley- Halfling Sorcerer. It should be fun!
On the painting front, the Witch Hunters got another member of the party. This time an actual Witch Hunter! This model was one of the free models from Adpeticon. What a great model to get for free, and it was an instant addition to my warband.

May 10, 2010
Plague Marines: Tutorial
I just posted a tutorial on the Bolter and Chainsword forums on painting a Death Guard model using primarily washes. Check it out here.
I'll skip the boring middle parts and go straight to the finished product. You can thank me later!
Painting this model was more fun that I thought it would be. Its going to be hard to concentrate on finishing those weak fleshed Imperial Guard so that I can start on some real models, like the Plague Marines!
May 5, 2010
True Line of Site
My friend (and first follower!) over at DiceRolla has a great acrticle on True Line of Site in Warhammer 40K.
There are several good points in the post, but ultimately its a shame that a game of "fun" often comes down to things like this. On the other hand, its a good reminder to discuss with your opponent before the game starts if you have any models that might even come close to causing a problem. And play with cool people. During a tournament- you are on your own. :)
May 2, 2010