Heresy in Motion
May 24, 2013
The Heresy Begins...
I've really enjoyed the process of putting together a Heresy Era army. The new models are fantastic of course. But the real joy is trying to put together models that were meant to kill xenos but are now forced to slay other battle brothers. Hordes of bolters, the new volkite charges, missile launchers, these are all weapons that can kill even the mightiest of marines (with a bit of luck).
The terminators, while being an excellent kit from Forge World, still have the problems of terminators. Armed with low initiative weapons, they killed only when they were allowed to strike. Which, sadly, wasn't that often. But who cares, the models are just awesome.
One thing that people commonly were asking about was how well the brass etch worked on the new style models. If you aren't used to brass etch, it can be a little tricky to get off of the sprue and onto the model. But once there, it catches detail amazingly well and can turn a standard guard basilisk into a machine of the Death Guard.
I hope you enjoy the pictures, it was fun standing the legion up again to shoot some shots! Scroll down for lots of pictures.
May 23, 2013
Adepticon: Horus Heresy Betrayal Tournament
The first day of Adepticon this year was also when the first Adepticon Horus Heresy event was held. Due to the weather delays I know a few people who wanted to play were not able, but still we had about 12 players.
This awesome Death Guard army belongs to Ty F. He ended up winning the event.
April 23, 2013
Adepticon 2013
No matter what mother nature threw at the folks at Adepticon, they threw a great con and I want to thank them for that. The swag bag again was full of great things. Some new cool miniatures to play around with as well as plenty of things to read and explore.
This year is also the year that I got my first major award- The Emperor's Champion in the Horus Heresy Betrayal tournament! So how about that!?! I think it deserves a free re-roll once per game.
I have plenty of more pictures to share from Adepticon including my Horus Heresy Death Guard, some Nurgle Space Marines, and some Team Tournament love. But first it is time to get some sleep, because didn't have much in Chicago!
April 22, 2013