Hello all- tonight is a glorious night... my Ultramarines are finally done!!! Seven years later, and I can finally say the army is fully painted and all of the pieces are dry. So now more than 4,000 points of Ultramarines sit on the table. Its pretty cool!
1 hour ago
Lovely army shot. Congrats on finishing your army! Any plans for more? Lol.
- Courtney @ Cadian 127th
Oh wow! Great work, Doc, and congrats on sticking with them long enough to get such a cool force all painted up. They really do look fantastic together like that. But if this means your Ultraboys are complete, what's next for you?
Ho-Lee-Crap! That's awesome Doc! I am mightily Impressed! They look great!
Most of the army has been presented here on the blog. The foot troops should be up soon.
After that, there is a large stack of Nurgle Marines (!) and a much smaller stack of Eldar. Oh, and Bretonnians... and some skaven... and some Malifaux... and some random monsters for RPG's.. and some Dark Heresy/Rogue Trader PC's... and....and... sigh!
Congratulations, matey: that's seriously impressive!
- Drax.
Thanks Admrial Drax!
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